Cios Installer 38r17

Cios Installer 38r17 Download

John Mohegan Jazz Improvisation Pdf Writer. Jan 16, 2010. DL Links(Thanks Det1re! I forgot to put the links.): or Aug 17, 2009. Im getting 'install error (ret = -1035)' at the end of the custom ios install form network and wad file i have used this wad file. Sandra Model Sets Torrent.

Custom IOS38 Installer 17 2.0 Waninkoko Installs the latest CIOS. This is a Custom IOS, an IOS modified to add some new features not available in the official IOS. This IOS has been made to be used ONLY with homebrew software. The Custom IOS installs as IOS249 and it does not modify any other IOS so it is secure to install.

After i do this. Run Trucha Bug Restorer, press left on the D-pad until you get to IOS15, and press A. When prompted press 1. Choose IOS36 menu and use the following settings: Install IOS to slot (249) Hash check (trucha) YES ES_Identity YES Nand Permissions YES Scroll back up to highlight Install Patched IOS36 once the settings are identical to the above and press A. Choose load IOS from sd card.

Follow any prompts and let the process finish.' Press A to start the install. Es_addtitlestart return: -1035 has your install IOS36 a higher revison than 3094? IOS36 installation failed.