College Reading And Study Skills 12th Edition Answer Key
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Full text of ' College Reading 3 Answers key Chapter 1 Sociology: Race and Ethnicity Note to teachers: Please read the Teaching Notes before discussing the answers with your students. Sven Bollen Sheep Game Free Download on this page. Given the topic of race and ethnicity, the answers to these questions are suggested, not absolute. Reading Assignment 1: Getting Ready to Read, page 2 How are the above men the same?
How are they different? The men are from similar ethnic and cultural groups, but are generally seen to be of different races. How are the above men the same? How are they different? The men are from similar different ethnic and cultural groups, but are generally understood to be of the same racial groupage How are the above women the same? How are they different? The women are from different ethnic and cultural groups, but are generally understood to be from the same racial groupage Exercise 1: Participating in class discussion, page 3 1.
Students should mention physical and cultural similarities and differences with the three groups. Indications of cultural differences might be clothing, style, adornment, and facial expression. The dictionary definitions of race and ethnicity are very similar. Reading Selection 1 suggests that race refers to biological traits, while ethnicity refers to cultural and behavioral traits. Students will bring their current understanding of the terms race and ethnicity. The instructor should try to broaden that understanding to first make the standard distinction between the two (physical differences vs. Cultural differences) and then lead to a more sociological perspective which makes distinctions based on social structure.
Free Antivirus Free Trial For 90 Days there. Answers will vary. This question asks students to evaluate material based on their knowledge and experience. The Cracked Pepper Fresno Ca. Try to work into the discussion the concepts of dominant and minority grouping, segregation, subjugation, and integration without having to use those terms directly. Exercise 2: Scanning for academic vocabulary, page 4 1. Minority 1 - 1 - 2.