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E minor again?! I had written the riffs and rhythms in this song to be sung over, so all the soloing is basically an effort to get some usable melodies out of it to use at a later date. One thing I noticed which is pretty important for me is that when I double my leads they end up becoming way more focused. I listened to “Lone Ranger” and “Cordelia” after completing this song and discovered that having to memorize a line and then figure out where (if at all) to harmonize it makes me write more melodically (I think). I did so in those songs and I think those leads are stronger I really like the rhythm guitar in this song but am not big on the ensuing solos. Like I said I wasn’t intending for this to be instrumental, but I figured why not see what happens. Eb minor, Bumblebee Washburn tuned to Eb.
Also: new cover songs coming as soon as I get a chance to record vocals! Download Save Target As. I haven’t recorded anything in a while thanks to my recording software screwing up and me being too lazy to fix it. I managed to record this a couple of weeks ago however, but along with the recording screwups I couldn’t find the original files to finish it. Driver 76 Pc Free Download there.
The guitar tracks need to be overdubbed and the vocals need some overhaul and EQing but the basic idea comes through nicely. Other problems are all over but will be fixed in a future update (when I go to re-record everything). This is a song my friend and I had been working on for a while, I only just added the lyrics when I recorded it. Its in E minor. I had used the Dean through my Rocktron/Carvin setup (Left Guitar in Stereo), and my Black Washburn through a Roland Micro Cube Mic’d up (Right Guitar). I also just noticed that the recording clips in a bunch of places when I put the waveform into Ableton.
Explore Johan Vandevelde's board 'Jeugdauteur Johan Vandevelde' on Pinterest. See more ideas about Martin o'malley, Php and Vans.
Download Save Target As. Co-written by Jedd Ahyoung. Copyright Micky Sakora, Jedd Ahyoung. I found that some of the previous songs stretch on for a little too long – five minutes maybe isn’t all that necessary.
For these two I tried to keep them short and to the point, condensing what is good about the other songs into a tighter structure. Some of the mixing is off (as usual) the drums might be a little too loud in The Circle but I’m having issues with my recording software. I began Birdhouse first but took a break and recorded The Circle when I got to a sticking point.
Then I went back and finished Birdhouse. I think this helped, I was able to go at it fresh the second time and get a different sound than what was originally intended. The Circle – B minor, Peavey, disorted bass. Birdhouse – D Dorian, Peavey and Washburn, same distorted bass tone. Download Download (Save Target As). I went for something short and sweet and I think it came out rushed and sketchy.
I like parts of it a lot but it gets redundant after a while which shouldn’t be happening in a two and a half minute song. I was going for an Yngwie kind of thing but I think I got a little ahead of myself. I didn’t plan this one out like I should have, the song needs to be more rooted down than it is right now. I already have a better idea that will take the main idea behind this song and make it better. I think I can take the fast waltz shred thing and work it out into something more melodic (but still fast).
Its in C# minor and though it may not sound like it, I didn’t use any tapping in this song. Everything is picking or legato. I really do like the part in the very middle with the legato lick with the wah cracked open giving it a vocal sound. Too bad that can’t take the song to the next level.