Import C4d Files Into 3ds Max Materials

Import C4d Files Into 3ds Max Materials

08 August 2011, 10:56 AM. Not sure if I should post this here or in the Cinema 4D forum but I'm trying to export a Cinema 4D file into 3D Studio Max as an FBX file. The elements are coming in fine but the textures arent, any suggestions how I can rectify this?

If you make your 3D objects in 3dsMax, you can save your.max files directly into your Project or export them into Unity using the Autodesk.FBX or other generic formats. Unity imports meshes from 3ds Max. Saving a Max file or exporting a generic 3D file type each has advantages and disadvantages see • All nodes with position, rotation and scale. Pivot points and Names are also imported. The Sims 3 Folder Downloads Chrome. • Meshes with vertex colors, normals and one or two UV sets (see below). • Materials with diffuse texture and color. Multiple materials per mesh.

• Animations. • Bone based animations (see below). To manually export to FBX from 3DS Max • Download the latest fbx exporter from and install it. • Export your scene or selected objects ( File->Export or File->Export Selected) in.fbx format. Using default export options should be okay.

No, only Max can open Max files; you'll have to export to some other format. FBX is probably the most versatile as it supports quads, cameras, lights, (some)materials, and animation. Thread: export a.c4d file into a format supported by MAX. Would you mind sending me the Max teapot equivalent of C4D (I don't know c4d at all!!) exported in DFX, FBX, 3DS and OBJ format for me to test? I would really. FBX works very well while keeping texture and material coordinates.

• Copy the exported fbx file into your Unity project folder. • When you switch back into Unity, the.fbx file is imported automatically.