Install Mailscanner Webmin Module Install
Webmin module Webmin module Scott Silva Wed Apr 29 00:45:38 IST 2009 • Previous message: • Next message: • Messages sorted by: on 4-28-2009 4:32 PM G. Armour Van Horn spake the following: >I've long been a big WebMin fan, so I was pleased to note on the MS >download page a link to a MailScanner module. I immediately grabbed it.
>It told me MailScanner wasn't running. >>I went to the configuration, which was all blank, and added the things I >could be confident of, but I'm not sure I dare use this for anything >yet. Here's what I've got: >>Full path to MailScanner program: /usr/sbin/MailScanner >Full path and filename of MailScanner config file: >Programs Help Mortgage Debt. /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf >Full path to the MailScanner bin directory =BLANK= >Full path and filename for the MailScanner pid file: >/var/run/ >Command to start MailScanner Just run server (selected) >Command to stop MailScanner >>Once I entered that much, the module now thinks MS is running, and 'Edit >MailScanner Config File' does call up the right file. >>System is CentOS 4.7, still running MS 4.57.6 but it will be upgraded to >the current stable tonight. (Yes, it has been running nicely for over >three years.) >>So what should I have in there as the MS bin directory? >>I usually start and stop MS with >service MailScanner start stop restart >Or rather more accurately, I normally don't touch that, but that's what >I'd use if I had to.