Mohaa No Recoil Hack Download
Medal of honor spearhead zoom hack no recoil test. Medal of honor spearhead lse hack. Lse clan moh spearhead no recoil test. Mohaa cheats link to pk3 files. This skinpack replace some of orginal mohaa and spearhead skins and replaces those with new skins. All the original skin are in there too should you wish to.
Hey guys, I befriended a new BF4 player a couple weeks back named Steve. We talked and became friends while I helped him learn BF4.
We found out we had alot in common and grew to be good friends quickly. I found out that he has a jail broken PS3 and that he did a lot of modding in Call of Duty Black Ops 2.
I grew up PC gaming and I am familiar with hacking and modding, because I have seen it ruin most of my all time favourite games. Since Steve seemed to be somewhat of an expert in PS3 hacking I decided to find out any information I could from him about PS3 and BF4 hacking. My intention was to find out if it was possible to hack BF4 on PS3 and if so how easy it was to do. I determined that it was pretty difficult to hack this game on PS3 and that he himself had not been able to find any hacks so far.
Since I know Steve is a member of the hacking community I was really glad to find out how hard it is to hack the PS3 in general and that there were not a bunch of BF4 hacks already out there. Steve and I continued being friends and played together a lot over the next couple weeks. A few nights ago I began to suspect that Steve maybe cheating. Even though we were on the same team most of the time his Kill/Death Ratio became ridiculous. I saw him get 83 Kills in one game and only a handful of deaths in a normal official conquest. I saw these ridiculous scores several more times over the next couple days and even had a couple people complaining that he was killing them in one shot with average pistols.
By this point I was very suspicious that he may have finally found a hack and was using it. I asked him if he was using some sort of e boot or what. He said yeah I found a no recoil hack that I am using. I thought to myself damnit this sucks my friend is cheating and if he can cheat anyone else could soon be cheating too.
Last night Steve and I were playing in my server and he started getting really good unbelievable scores again, so I joined the other team to investigate and get to the bottom of this *. Steve seemed to always know exactly where I was at I could tell because he was pre firing on me around corners and stuff in the same way the old wall hackers used to do in medal of honor allied assault on PC. I also noticed that when he shot me with any weapon it wasnt normal, because no matter where he hit me even if my health was 100% with the defensive perk on I would drop dead instantly. I kept going after him and he was dropping me instantly with a single compact pistol shot on a non hardcore server. Something definately wasnt right and so I confronted him about it. I said hey Steve WTF man.
I said I know you have some kinda hack enabled steve because it is very obvious. I said tell me what you are using. What are you doing and why do I die instakill style when you shoot at me? Steve then told me that a good hacker friend of his had just completed this hack he had been working on for several months and that he planned on releasing it to the public and charging people money for it. He had asked Steve to help him test it out. Steve told me that he had a UAV hack that consistently showed him every enemies location on the map, and that it included no recoil for all weapons, and that it also modified the damage that all of his weapons dealt to 100% no matter where the bullet hit.
I was freaking shocked. I told steve dude you have to turn that * off, because its not right and it was ruining the game. Efi Xf Client Manual Muscle.