Smith And Wesson Model 18 Serial Numbers


Hi, my name is Frosty and I cannot be trusted alone in gun stores. Well, there I was last night in one of the local gun stores. I go in there just often enough to notice when a new gun has come in. At the end of the row was a blue S&W revolver I had not seen before.

Smith And Wesson Model 18-4 Serial Numbers

Turns out it's a S&W Model 18-3, 22lr, ser no of 1Kxxxxxx puts it about 1970-71. Nice shape, good blueing, nice trigger pull.only one small imperfection I could see. The topstrap that the rear sight is on is about 1/8' too long in front, overhangs the junction of the cylinder opening and the barrel just a bit. I don't think it would affect the operation, just looks off a bit. Anyways, I keep thinking about adding this to my collection. Home Work Handbuilt Shelter Pdf File. However, in my current situation I'd have to get rid of something, possibly my S&W Model 63, and use this as my.22 DA revolver for training.

Apr 28, 2014. SOLD FOR: $1,615. Make: Smith & Wesson Model: Model 18-3, the K-22 Masterpiece Serial Number: 15K7080 Year of Manufacture: 1977. Caliber:.22 Short, Long and Long Rifle Action Type: Single and Double Action Revolver with Swing-Out Cylinder Markings: The left side of the barrel is marked. Feb 24, 2012. I have a 18-4 with a marking of;28K-1823.How do I find out the year so I can. You should go to and run a search on the model 18. It'll give you a better idea what. Said number/location would be the serial number from which we can give you a year it left the factory. The 28K serial.

Any other Model 18 owners out there want to help me feed my addiction??? Model 18 - Combat Masterpiece. Fprice - The model 18 is considered by many to be the ultimate in.22 revolvers. K-frame gun, so its a bit more man sized than the J-frame 63 and its blued cousins. It is basically a K-22 (model 17) with a 4 inch barrel and a ramp front sight instead of the patridge (holster ripping) taget front sight that the Model 17 has. Just right for holster carry, mimics in size and weight other center-fire K-frame guns that might be considered typical duty revolvers such as the Model 10, Model 19, Model 66 etc.

Buy it you won't regret it. You may,however, regret selling the 63. Hey-Hey-Hey Big G That was most likely me, raving about the Smith model 18 during the days of TFL!

Its one of my all-time favorite Smith's. I bought mine from the same dealer that old James Earl Ray used to purchase that infamous.30-06! Capbuster and myself each use to buy a block of 500 rounds from Woolco or K-Mart (boy them days are for ever long gone) and spend all day on Saturdays out at our local shooting gallery. Robinson Crusoe Theme Tune Download. At the time, we did not have a public range; so we made do at the local trash dump! Heck, you had about a 200 yard, high banked target impact area; that was probably 60 yards wide.