Stretching Bob Anderson Rapidshare Library
Stretching in the Office [Bob Anderson, Jean Anderson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Staying Loose provides simple stretching routines to make high-tech life healthier. Easy-to-follow instructions and line drawings accompany each stretch. The book also includes tips on creating an ergonomic.
The book Stretching was first published in 1975 when fitness awareness was in its infancy. Stretching has since sold over two million copies in the USA and has been published in 24 foreign editions worldwide. Car Hoppers Backseat Edition Nathan there. Now after twenty-one years and with many other books on the market, it has become the most widely-used and recommended book on stretching and its popularity continues The book Stretching was first published in 1975 when fitness awareness was in its infancy.
Stretching has since sold over two million copies in the USA and has been published in 24 foreign editions worldwide. Now after twenty-one years and with many other books on the market, it has become the most widely-used and recommended book on stretching and its popularity continues to grow each year. The reasons for this may be the book's simple, user-friendly organization, the easy to follow individual stretches and principles, the ample line drawings by Jean Anderson, and the need for every body to stretch. It feels silly to review a book about stretching, but I gave it five stars so I figured what the heck. I got this book out from the library because I have lower back and leg pain. I watch videos on Youtube for yoga, exercises, and stretches to try to ease this pain, but sometimes I just want something straight to the point and I don't want to watch a ten minute video trying to remember a specific move. This book is perfect for this and I'm going to buy a copy just so I can refer to it in the fut It feels silly to review a book about stretching, but I gave it five stars so I figured what the heck.